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Enjoyable class, Joey can give clear explanation to make a complicated subject into logical understanding, like having third eye.

Angela Yip Chui Ung, Malaysia

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Feng Shui Mastery Module 3 – Singapore
2nd - 4th September 2006
Just days after completing a hectic five-day tour in Dallas, Texas conducting talks and a Mian Xiang course, Joey Yap was at the Lion City to teach the Feng Shui Mastery Module 3 (FSM 3) course.

The FSM 3, held from 2nd to 4th September at the prestigious Marriot Hotel, was attended by a group of eager students who have been looking forward to this module with most of them having completed the FSM Module Two a while back.

The ambience before the class were filled with excitement as the students anticipated another fulfilling session with Joey. Before the class began, they mingled to get to know each other and share experience in their Feng Shui pursuits.

Some of them have already begun to practise Feng Shui after their Module Two class and took the opportunity to attend the FSM 3 to take their skills the next level.

Joey started the ball rolling by elaborating on how to observe, identify and select the right sites based on the correct external landform or Luan Tou in an effort to refresh the memories of the students about the focus and purpose of Feng Shui,

He went on to show the students the methods of evaluating Form Sha and how to fix possible problems that may arise. In addition, Joey explained what can be done to tap into the good Qi for a property that has beneficial formations in the environment.

Joey also shared his personal experience of doing Feng Shui audits over the years with the students, citing special cases and drawing examples of how the principles and methodologies can be effectively applied

The students also had the benefit of learning how to find a good location in the flatland dragon area and the correct way to assess mountains/dragons, an aspect considered a closely-guarded secret in Feng Shui circle.

Besides this, Joey showed them instances where and why some formula like the 5 Ghost Carry Treasure does not work and what they can do to overcome this by determining that the house location has the correct ingredients, and applying the San He water formula.

The students who attended this course were obviously pleased and satisfied with the teaching conducted by Joey Yap as the information and guides presented during the three-day course far exceeded their expectation and gave them a deeper understanding of the advanced formula in Feng Shui.

Reported by Dafizeck

Rave Reviews for Feng Shui Mastery Module 3, Singapore
Instructor: Joey Yap

David Tong Joo Leong
“Every Feng Shui master must attend this course. (It) opens a whole new perspective in the study of Feng Shui. Looking forward to M4. Thank you, Joey.”

Chan Chi Tim
“This is very refreshing and a useful/practical course.”

Simon Tham
“Vey detail, After the whole course with Joey, I’ve cleared a lot of doubt.”

Joseph Ching Cho Sen
“Excellent. Bring my knowledge to greater height.”

Lim Yew Boon
“Eye opening & enlightening; at the same time enjoyable & enlightening.”

Sonice Chau
“Enjoyable and informative.”

Martin Ho
“Joey has brought me to another level of understanding & practice in Feng Shui.”

Cheryl Lim
“I am ‘wowed’ by the concepts of external Feng Shui. Joey is a dynamic teacher and gave a lot of examples to enhance my understanding. Thank you Joey for being such a great teacher.”

Lai Chian Chun
“Excellent course for the future master wanna-be. It’s packed with immense spectrum of material enough to make a good master…”

Ian Toh Khan Wai
“Yes (I do enjoy the course) very much. Excellent course content and delivery. Very clear and helpful explanation.”

Kent Chan
“It’s an incredible course well presented by Joey! Power-packed with information, well structured and well presented. In addition, practical tips for practicing were shared freely by Joey with us. Really enjoyed the course thoroughly. Thanks Joey! You are the Master in this field.”

Yoshiko Sinaga
“JY has extensive knowledge of Feng Shui. This course is very good and opens understanding of Feng Shui to me.”

Jane Dempster-Smith
“Well done, Joey! Thoroughly enjoyed the course once again. Great delivery and conduct. Can’t wait to do M4. Thanks!”

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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