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I come to China to find the secret formulas. But the secret is, there are no secrets formulas! After two days I didn’t even think about formulas. I learnt on this fantastic journey to see how important the environment is. I learned how to understand the environment and mountains in its forms and shapes. And flatland as dragons. And a lot of other things. I thank you for the great chance to join you and to learn from you.

Ingrid Huse, Germany

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Destiny Decoding Unleashed with BaZi Mastery Module 4
November 17 - 21, 2010

The BaZi Mastery Series program continued in the following week on November 17, also at the Grand Millennium Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, for an intensive five-day learning experience as Joey took his students deeper into BaZi with Module 4. Here, the students have added the crucial Date Selection Methods and BaZi assessment methodology and concepts into their repertoire of skills.

The Date Selection Methods was definitely an eye-opening lesson. Students were taught that knowing how to choose the right dates will not only allow them to enhance the potential success of their personal activities and endeavours that are specifically tailored to their BaZi, but it will also allow them to do the same for their friends and loved ones.

In addition to having requisite knowledge of all three preceding modules, BaZi Module 4 students had to intensify their understanding of highly sophisticated BaZi concepts by deciphering the Five Element Sheng Ke classics, such as Di Tian Sui, Qiong Tong Bao Jian, Yuan Hai Zi Peng and San Ming Tong Hui.

Besides techniques, Joey also shared ample examples to make the course easy to follow, and there were more practical exercises than ever before. The hallmark of BaZi Module 4 is to transform students into professional practitioners. As such, every participant had to go through the paces of conducting a consultation with a client in class.

As the program took on an interactive hands-on approach, the students were able to gain confidence with their skills and can truly master BaZi like a pro by the end of Module 4.

Module 4 ended on a high note with the graduation dinner. Spirits were high among the 'graduates' who had made it through the grueling and demanding pace of the last module, and a superb time was enjoyed by all.

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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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